Accelerate Your Business Growth with the WE Scale Program

Because You're not just Building a Business, You're Building a Legacy

Your entrepreneurial journey is a testament to your vision, resilience, and ambition. You've established businesses, shattered barriers, and ignited change. However, no entrepreneur's journey is a solitary one. We all need guidance, inspiration, and community to reach new heights.

Accelerate Your Business Growth with the WE Scale Program

Because You're not just Building a Business, You're Building a Legacy

Your entrepreneurial journey is a testament to your vision, resilience, and ambition. You've established businesses, shattered barriers, and ignited change. However, no entrepreneur's journey is a solitary one. We all need guidance, inspiration, and community to reach new heights.

WE Scale, a 6-Week intensive program designed specifically for minority women entrepreneurs like you.

It’s a unique, tailored experience designed to empower you with cutting-edge marketing strategies, enhance your leadership prowess, and expand your influence across networks.

We believe that you never stop learning, and every stage of your career presents an opportunity to refine your craft and redefine your impact. Our program fosters this lifelong learning, focusing on modern marketing skills in our ever-changing digital world, and equipping you with innovative tools to navigate challenges that even seasoned leaders may find daunting.

The WE Scale Program

The WE Scale 6-week accelerator meticulously crafted to ensure you not only learn the essentials of digital marketing but also achieve tangible wins each month. Here's how we break down our focused, milestone-driven approach:


Orientation &Setting Goals

We'll kick off with an orientation that introduces the program's framework, resources, and mentorship process. During this month, you'll define clear, actionable goals for your journey. The first win? Building your roadmap to success that aligns with your objectives.


Enhancing Brand Visibility

You'll focus on building and enhancing your brand visibility online. We'll discuss building a powerful brand narrative, choosing the right online platforms, and creating consistent brand messages. Your win for this month? Creating and implementing a brand visibility strategy to significantly boost your online presence.


Mastering Social Media Marketing

We focus on creating compelling social media strategies. Your win? Developing and implementing an effective social media campaign that engages your target audience and amplifies your brand presence.


Monetizing Your Digital Presence

This is where we focus on revenue generation. We'll explore strategies such as affiliate marketing, product creation, premium content, paid memberships, and more. The win for this month? Implementing at least one new revenue-generating strategy in your business.


Content Marketing Excellence

Discover how to create captivating content that resonates with your audience. The win for this is developing and publishing a content marketing strategy that drives engagement and conversions.


Email Marketing & CRM

Learn how to leverage email marketing and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems for customer acquisition and retention. Your win? Launching a successful email marketing campaign and establishing a CRM system for your business.

Here's more...


Discover the power of advertising to drive targeted traffic to your website. Your monthly win will be setting up your first successful FB campaign for a launch

Analytics & Performance Metrics

Understanding how to interpret marketing data is key. This month's win? Implementing Google Analytics (or similar tools) for your website, setting key performance indicators (KPIs), and using data insights to refine your marketing strategies.

Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy

With all the acquired knowledge and practical experience, now it's time to put it all together. Your win for this month will be the creation and implementation of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, integrating all the aspects you've learned so far.

Here's more...


Discover the power of advertising to drive targeted traffic to your website. Your monthly win will be setting up your first successful FB campaign for a launch

Analytics & Performance Metrics

Understanding how to interpret marketing data is key. This month's win? Implementing Google Analytics (or similar tools) for your website, setting key performance indicators (KPIs), and using data insights to refine your marketing strategies.

Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategy

With all the acquired knowledge and practical experience, now it's time to put it all together. Your win for this month will be the creation and implementation of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, integrating all the aspects you've learned so far.

Bonus - Review, Feedback & Celebrating Success

The final week will be about reflection and planning next steps. You'll review your progress, gain feedback, and define your future digital marketing objectives. The win here? Recognizing your tremendous growth, celebrating your successes, and leaving the program with a clear path forward.


Affordable and flexible plan options

Pay In Full


One-time payment for marketing accountability coaching group

payment plan


2 month payment plan for marketing accountability coaching group


Affordable and flexible plan options

Pay In Full


One-time payment for marketing accountability coaching group

payment plan


4 month payment plan for marketing accountability coaching group

Ready to Propel Your Business Forward?

Embrace the Minority Women Entrepreneur Marketing Mentorship Program today and embark on a transformative journey curated especially for you. Benefit from targeted mentorship, expand your professional network, and foster growth in an empowering and collaborative community.



Affordable and flexible plan options

Pay In Full


One-time payment for marketing accountability coaching group

payment plan


2 month payment plan for marketing accountability coaching group


Affordable and flexible plan options

Pay In Full


One-time payment for marketing accountability coaching group

payment plan


4 month payment plan for marketing accountability coaching group


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